Complimenting her looks is fine, but highlighting her sense of humor or personality shows that you have depth. You might say, “The stories you tell about your friends crack me up. I love hearing your perspective and your friends sound so fun.” All they want is someone to see a movie with, and chat about it afterward with a glass of wine. Age doesn’t necessarily predict what each woman wants, but for many, the idea of starting over from scratch just seems tiresome and unnecessary.
We want men who are like us — able to support themselves, still interested in living life, fairly healthy, emotionally stable, and not drug/alcohol abusers. Pretty simple it would seem — just hard Amor en Linea to meet them. Randy…..first off, I am sorry for your loss. I lost an intimate partner when he was 49. He was more to me than just a boyfriend. It’s possible that some day we would have married.
At least divorces/ees have experienced the human dimension that is known through an intimate relationship with someone they felt very strongly attracted to. It’s too late for me – nothing has happened yet and almost certainly never will. I’m 56 and athletic and in shape and I so far have never had any problem finding dates.
In return I have been cheated on in at least two out of the three long term relationships I have had, and one of those was a 19 year relationship . Read all of the posts and one thing is clear im not alone,which is reassuring..Male mid fifties 5′ 6″ reasonably fit @ 158lbs & 20% body fat.. I just don’t understand this way of thinking. I am 50 and I want someone around my age as a loving companion and partner.
Dating in your 50’s – Easy for Men… Not so much for Women!
Was married for 32 years to same man for 35 years total. He died 4 years again and I thought I would never have sex again and believe you have to use it or lose it. Dating a younger man because mostly older men want to date because I am still very young looking and in good shape. Also, he would have sex everyday and I have a very high sex drive. So doesnt demand anything from me while I am exploring having a great sex life after it waning years before hubby died.
We can all be positive and optimistic , but psychologists suggest practicing alternative forms of sexuality and some openly advocate partner sharing. The age gaps spanned anywhere from 10 to 14 years, with women in their late 40s and early 50s enjoying relationships and/or marriage with men in their late 20s or 30s. A full generation age difference between 28 and 45. When it comes to dating, age is just one among many factors to consider as you seek your match. We bring all of our prior life experience to any relationship we enter, so how much does it matter that one person’s history is years longer than the other’s?
Woman’s World
A man would be crazy to marry with such a shallow dating pool and lack of real women. Usually, men and women have unrealistic expectations and the same game playing as in high school. 61, I had a nice long marriage and now dating for the last 6 years. Men of all ages should flee marriage like the pestilence it is. When a well-meaning man brings a woman into his life by marrying her, his fate is sealed and his doom is assured.
These Women Over 50 Have Great Skin. Here’s What They Use.
Most women aren’t really nice to meet at all today, and they always are very stuck up with such a very horrible attitude problem as well. These very troubled women need to get a real life, since they really don’t have one at all unfortunately. Now, ladies before you get all a fluster.
As long as he can support himself and is happy with what he does, that’s fine by me. From a man I expect a little chivalry and a lot of respect. Take me out and give me flowers once in a while. That doesn’t mean he has to be rich. I’ve been in love with several men who were not loaded with money.
As a significant other and potential long-term partner, the best thing you can do is be open, supportive, and informed. This article was co-authored by Erika Kaplan and by wikiHow staff writer, Sophia Latorre. Erika Kaplan is a Dating Coach and Matchmaker for Three Day Rule, an exclusive matchmaking company across nine cities in the United States.
I found his swaggering confidence preferable to the studied ambivalence of many of my fumbling peers. And I presume he thought my youth compensated for my sexual inexperience. The truth is you might not yet be ready for the dyed-in-the-wool habits of a 50-something bachelor. Your beau sounds like a breath of fresh air after a stressful time.